About Us

Debate Nirvana

Debate Nirvana is the only platform designed specifically for middle school debaters. Debate Nirvana allows middle school debaters to share, teach and learn new debate skills, research, and strategies from fellow middle school debaters. Debate Nirvana offers unique content and features. Not only do we provide you with relevant research for upcoming debate topics, but our forums will also allow you to hear and talk to other debaters your own age, interested in topics relevant to you.

Importance of Debate

Debate helps students develop speaking, thinking, and listening skills. Students who debate become more engaged in the world around them and develop sophisticated knowledge about a wide range of current events and complex ideas. Debate in middle school prepares students for success in high school, college, and beyond, while providing immediate benefits for academic success. Debate is valuable for gifted students and so-called "at-risk" students alike, helping students of all ages take active responsibility for their own learning in a challenging and dynamic atmosphere.

Our Mission

Our mission is to help debaters like you succeed in formulating your arguments, organizing your points, and presenting them in an efficient and effective manner. We have supplied countless pre-researched topics to help you in upcoming debates, a whole trove of articles to help you become a better debater, and more.

This website was originally targeted towards middle school debaters, but you don't have to be one to enjoy our website! Whether you're in high school, college, or just want to learn more about a controversial topic, Debate Nirvana has got you covered.


  • Forums: A forum where you can talk about anything debate related to fellow debaters.
  • Ask the expert: Ask a veteran debater (our "Debate Guru") firsthand for strategies, advice, and tips.
  • Awards: Members who contribute to our forums can get awards and recognition for excellent research and contributions to forum discussions.
  • Topics: Find pre-researched topics all ready researched fully
  • Articles: Find a myriad of articles about debate strategies, skills, roles, rules, and more.
  • Blog: We'll regularly add posts to keep you up-to-date on recent debate news

Middle School Public Debate Program

The Middle School Public Debate Program (MSPDP) was established by the Claremont McKenna College in Los Angeles. It is currently headed by John Meany and Kate Shuster. It is the world's largest for class and contest debating in middle school. There are currently 13 "leagues" that make up the MSPDP, each with about 7-15 schools participating. There are about five competitions every year for middle schoolers in the MSPDP. The best team in each league gets a chance to compete in the National Championships, held annually at the Claremont McKenna College. Dates may vary. Around 180 students compete in each tournament, each competing for team trophies and individual speaker awards, handed out to only the top speakers in the debate tournament.