Author: benw

The EU Should Boycott the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar

CON (4 arguments)

1. Even though Qatar has trouble with human rights the EU should not boycott so they can show a good example for human rights.

The EU should not boycott because the only thing they are doing (when boycotting) are abandoning Qatar while they need the help to get through their human right issues. Like other Persian Gulf nations, Qatar has sponsorship laws, which have been widely criticized as "modern-day slavery”. According to some of the big issues of the 2022 Fifa World Cup is money and human rights. Though Qatar does have a problem with human rights if the EU backs out the EU will look like they don't care for human abuse. Though if the EU does not boycott they could show an example for giving rights to the humans of Qatar. Judge if the EU backs out they are only showing a bad example and hurting the people of Qatar even more. The EU needs to go to show an example of the right thing to do.


If the EU boycotts the 2022 Fifa World Cup it would only look bad for the EU who abandoned a country they should be helping . Judge, if Qatar is practicing abuses such as “modern day slavery” the EU needs to do something about this. The best way for the EU to stop the human rights abuses is by staying involved. Judge every time the EU has been involved with an issue it has been solved or almost solved so obviously the EU should not boycott the 2022 World Cup and should instead influence Qatar to change it’s ways. On paper boycotting the World Cup sounds good but the best way to ensure change is to stay engaged with Qatar. Adding on to the point the EU will always be associated with human rights abuses. The EU’s second trading partner is China which is notorious for human rights abuses.


2. A majority of the Persian Gulf countries will economically benefit greatly from the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

FIFA’s decision to choose the State of Qatar to host the World Cup is not only a historic precedent, choosing an Arab country for the first time for one of the largest competitions and sports events in the world, but also carries with it enormous economic aspects. Qatar aims to get more and more independent from oil and gas and hosting the World Cup is another big step forward to it. The state will try to figure out, how it can benefit from the World Cup also after 2022. 

To make use of the increasing tourist facilities Qatar is planning to develop the country to a tourism hub. It is, however, expected that many tourists will also stay in the neighboring countries and travel to the games from there. Because fossil fuels are projected to run out in 2023(Oil is Qatar’s main source of income) Qatar needs to change its entire economy and fast. What better way to do that than have the second largest sports event in the world(Following the olympics) effectively turning Qatar into a tourist hub for at least 2 months. Not only that, but the new change of economy is bringing hospitals to be built in Qatar, according to The Guardian. This change will benefit Qatar in every way possible.


Not only with this change Qatar’s economy for the better, but it will convince the entire country to build railroads, airports, and even hospitals. So obviously there are no downsides to having the 2022 World Cup and it helps Qatar greatly, so we shouldn’t boycott it.


CNN, NY times, LA times

3. The World Cup is an important event that unifies countries. The EU boycotting it would not help unify countries, it would break countries apart.

Soccer is the most popular sport worldwide, and it is a big deal in a lot of countries. The World Cup is the most important worldwide soccer event, and it unifies people from all over the world. A lot of very different people come together through this soccer event, and it is a chance for people and countries to unite. If the EU were to boycott this event, it would undo a lot of the unification that happens at the World Cup. The World Cup should be a place where countries come together, not where countries argue. The location of the World Cup should not change this. According to World Atlas, an estimated 4 billion people follow soccer around the globe. Judge, that is over half of the world's population. Soccer is by far the most popular sport worldwide, with over 1 billion more fans than any other sport, and the FIFA World Cup is the most important soccer event. That is a big deal. This event means something to over half of the world’s population. Abandoning this is useless, whether the World Cup is in Qatar or not.


If the EU boycotted the FIFA World Cup, millions or even billions of people would be disappointed. Also, what should be an amazing sports event would be abandoned and lose its power to unify soccer fans from all around the world. If Qatar is not an ideal place to hold the World Cup people can figure out solutions, but boycotting it should not be the solution. People need to remember the importance of the World Cup.

Sources:, Biggest Global Sports

4. Qatar could make one of the best stadiums in modern history.

Qatar is the richest country in the world. This means Qatar can make amazing stadiums that can bring a new form of beauty to the world. They have a lot of money that they can spend. Spending it on the World Cup is a great way to spend those loads of money. There is no way that the stadiums will fail, neither can the revenue. The plans and previously built stadiums are amazing, exotic, and magnificent with beautiful designs, new technology, and fascinating architecture. In no way should the EU boycott such an outstanding opportunity to play in some of the world's best stadiums. Qatar is the richest country in the world, with $146,000 per capita. Judge, to put it in perspective, the United States has $57,000 per capita, and America is worth 23 million dollars. That means Qatar has more than double than the US. It worth about 58 TRILLION dollars today. With that type of money, 12 architecturally beautiful and amazing stadiums would be amazing. It costs about 13 billion to do all of the stadiums average. With the amount of money Qatar has, the can go above and beyond on the stadiums.


Judge, with the amount of money Qatar has and the amount it costs to make 12 average stadiums, and taking a look at all of the plans, these stadiums are going to be amazing. So amazing I bet that the entire world will want to get on this, including the EU. So why should the EU boycott this and lose the opportunity to play in probably some of the best stadiums the world has ever seen and bask in all of its money filled glory. The EU should not boycott something so unbelievable and lose such an amazing opportunity to see inspiring stadiums and have new experiences that Europe needs. It's the next step towards more amazing buildings.
